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By nature, no level of pain is desirable for the human body. Polyneuropathy, a form of peripheral neuropathy characterized by mild to severe pain in the extremities, affects many people. What are its causes and symptoms? Is there a treatment solution for people suffering from polyneuropathy? The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes (NINDS) estimates that approximately twenty million people in the U.S. have some form of polyneuropathy. 1

What is Polyneuropathy?

Polyneuropathy is a health condition that occurs when multiple peripheral nerves are damaged – or peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral nerves are all other nerves that traverse our bodies outside the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). These nerves rely on the central nervous system to transmit signals to muscles, all organs, and the skin. Polyneuropathy occurs when a group of nerves gets damaged, obstructing the standard transmission of signals to the brain. These nerves can affect the sensory(sensory neuropathy), movement (motor neuropathy), and or both (sensorimotor neuropathy).

There are three main types of polyneuropathies classified by the type of nerve damage, symptoms, and underlying causes.

● Acute peripheral neuropathy – occurs suddenly, and symptoms are severe.

● Chronic peripheral neuropathy – long-term symptoms that are difficult to treat.

● Multiple mononeuropathy – damage to at least two separate nerve areas.

Understanding the Causes of Polyneuropathy

Polyneuropathy may be acquired, idiopathic, or hereditary. Idiopathic means the cause is unknown. Hereditary implies the patient might have genes passed to them from their parents. Acquired polyneuropathy, especially the one caused by diabetes (known as diabetic peripheral neuropathy), is one of the most common. It affects up to 50% of people with diabetes. An injury may also cause acquired polyneuropathy, exposure to toxins, or infection.

Other causes or risk factors that are associated with polyneuropathy may include:

● Poor nutrition, i.e., vitamin deficiency

● Bacterial or viral infections, i.e., Lyme disease, Hepatitis, Shingles, etc.

● Autoimmune disorders i.e. Guillain-Barre syndrome, Lupus, Sjögren’s syndrome, etc.

● health conditions like cancer or kidney problems

● Lifestyle behaviors, i.e., overconsumption of alcohol

● Exposure/contact with heavy metals or cytotoxins, i.e., chemotherapy

● Hereditary disorders, i.e., Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

● Physical trauma or injury

● Idiopathic or no known cause

A correct diagnosis is critical to finding the best solution for relieving symptoms.


Physical symptoms may differ from one patient to another, depending on the affected nerves or the type/ cause of polyneuropathy. Most people diagnosed with the condition complain of:

● Pain that can be severe, including shooting, burning, stabbing, tingling, or freezing pain

● Numbness and muscle weakness in the legs, feet, arms, or hands

● Coordination or balance issues which may increase the risk of falling

● Difficulty swallowing, breathing, or eye movement

● Unable to feel cold or hot temperatures

● Ulcers or slow-healing wounds

● Loss of sleep

Diagnosis and Treatment of Polyneuropathy

Doctors review medical records and conduct a detailed examination of their patient’s symptoms to determine whether they have polyneuropathy and, if yes, its potential causes. Diagnostic tests such as nerve conduction studies (CNS) and epidermal nerve fiber density biopsy (ENFD), as well as blood and urine studies, will also help locate the exact area of the body that is affected by neuropathy and whether it is localized or spread across several body areas.

Far better than a TENS unit, RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® is the most effective and more advanced quantum-based device that helps relieve pain associated with polyneuropathy, increases circulation, and improves muscular rehabilitation. This treatment device helps relieve pain associated with neuropathy using a highly complex, quantum-based electric cell-signaling technology (EcST) with targeted harmonic resonance energy waves that penetrate deep into the cellular level of the affected area to relieve pain and begin the recovery process. The neoGEN® device is an alternative treatment to relieve pain.

RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® Treatments give HOPE to patients

At RST-SANEXAS, we offer hospitals, medical pain clinics, physical therapy centers, and rehabilitation practices an FDA-cleared advanced, innovative technical Electrical cell-signaling Technology (EcST)

neoGEN® device to effectively manage pain, increase circulation, and improve muscular rehabilitation. The human body is electrically charged to receive targeted electrical energy waves that signal the recovery process to the nerves and surrounding tissue. Utilizing this safe, effective, non-invasive, and non-pharmaceutical device to help alleviate acute and chronic pain associated with neuropathy is well-researched through published clinical studies and medical reports.

Living with pain is something that no one can tolerate. It is even more complicated if you have another condition like diabetes, which may limit the treatment options available to you. The RST-SANEXAS neoGEN®

Device is a pain management technology breakthrough that allows doctors to treat their patients suffering from pain associated with polyneuropathy and other acute or chronic (intractable) painful conditions, muscular rehabilitation, and circulation improvement with positive patient outcomes. Patients can say goodbye to pain. There is HOPE!


1. Medically reviewed by Suzanne Falck, M.D. FACP, Nov 16, 2023. What to Know About Polyneuropathy

Medical News Today.