Uncategorized Is it time to do something about your weight? We’ve got the solution. Covid-19 has pushed off many of our personal goals. How the goals we did find the time to…sproutmgNovember 30, 2021
Uncategorized Important Updates for Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccinations City Health Services now offers both the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 Vaccinations. Since select dates and times have…sproutmgNovember 30, 2021
Uncategorized Can CBD oil, with their many different delivery options, help with your neuropathy? We often get patient questions about whether CBD products can help with particular neuropathy conditions. If you have…sproutmgNovember 22, 2021
Uncategorized Sclerotheraphy: How To Get Rid of Spider Veins Who Gets Spider Veins? Your not alone! These unwanted veins will affect 1 out 4 Americans. However, women…sproutmgNovember 22, 2021
Uncategorized 5 Ways To Get Back-on-Track After Back-to-School Let’s be honest. Many parents and grandparents have put their own well being on hold ever since the…sproutmgNovember 22, 2021
Uncategorized City Health Services Welcomes Dr. Ana Garcia-Endsley to our Medical Team City Health Services is excited to welcome Dr. Ana Garcia-Endsley to our Mesa Medical Office. Dr. Garcia-Endsley brings…sproutmgNovember 22, 2021
Uncategorized 3 Ways to Treat Allergies If you’ve got them, you already know that allergies can be brutal depending on the type and severity. …sproutmgNovember 22, 2021