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Many people suffer daily from what seems like fireworks exploding, causing debilitating headaches triggered by many underlying conditions or lifestyle factors like STRESS. These abnormal waves/fireworks of electrochemical activity in their heads can last for days, causing throbbing pain, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and difficulty concentrating. The electrical fuses that set off painful disturbances are the Trigeminal and Occipital Nerves. These nerves are responsible for at least 80% of abnormal nerve activity in the head, neck, and face. Patients who experience this kind of pain seek help to relieve their suffering. Managing their pain involves more than finding an effective pharmaceutical.

There is HOPE! Relief is HERE!

There are many different types of chronic headaches: migraines (with or without aura), cluster, tension, sinus, and post-concussion headaches are the most common types. The abnormal electrical activity in the brain can last for days and worsen over time. It is hard to think about anything else when you have a headache.

Nerves that Cause Migraines and Headache Disorders

The electrical fuses that set off painful migraines and headache disturbances are the Trigeminal and Occipital Nerves. Think of these nerves like the electrical wiring in your house. When you blow a fuse or a circuit breaker, it is usually because something has overloaded the electrical system. This is what happens to you due to trauma, concussion, hormonal changes, lifestyle stresses, and genetics, to mention a few that can cause an electrical disturbance.

Trigeminal and Occipital Nerves

The trigeminal nerves are the main circuit breaker in your head and nervous system. They send pain, touch, and temperature sensations from the brain to your facial area. A large, three-part cranial nerve arises from the brainstem and branches to cover your face and head.

The Occipital nerves are large circuit breakers located in the cervical bones of the spine in the upper neck. They function as the main nerve supply of the scalp. They can cause symptoms as far forward as the forehead, eyes, and ears, emphasizing headaches in that area.

Electricity in our Bodies

Think of our bodies like they are filled with batteries – Positive (+) or Negative (-) charges. Excitable cells called neurons (nerve cells) are batteries that require an event to trigger our nervous system to generate movement of the electrical charge throughout our bodies. Our brain and nervous system depend on billions of this tiny neuron firing electrical impulses called action potentials to respond to stimuli such as reacting to pain, having a heartbeat, producing muscle strength, or the ability to think wonderful and loving thoughts, etc.

Neurons are nerve cells that send messages all over your body.

RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® – Series Electric cell-Signaling Treatment (EcST)

RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® Electric cell-signaling Treatment (EcST) device works by the natural circuitry of our nervous system. It helps harness the body’s energy by facilitating the recovery process to the area of the damaged or injured cells by delivering mild, controlled therapeutic electrical impulses to the nerve cells at comfortable varying energy frequencies and dwell times. The sophisticated and painless electrical energy waves produced by the RST- SANEXAS neoGEN® device enhance the cell-to-cell communication used to successfully stimulate the nerve recovery processes by relieving pain, increasing circulation, relaxing muscle spasms, and improving muscular rehabilitation in a non-surgical, safe, comfortable, and non-pharmaceutical treatment.

Whether you suffer from acute or chronic long-term (intractable) pain, poor circulation, muscle atrophy, muscle spasms, post-surgical or post-traumatic pain syndromes, and/or lack of range of motion, the neoGEN® EcST device helps accelerate the recovery processes and improves positive patient outcomes. There is HOPE!

RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® – Series #1 in Pain Management, Increased Circulation, and Muscular Rehabilitation

For more information, visit or call us at City Health Services and speak with Dr. Forbes.