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Fibromyalgia is a complex disorder characterized by widespread muscle and joint pain that occurs on both sides of the body and above or below the waist, extending over months. Women are affected by this condition most often. Many researchers believe nerve stimulation causes the brain and spinal cord to process pain abnormally, making it difficult to diagnose and treat. The brain’s pain receptors develop a memory for pain signals and become sensitized to pain by over-reacting. Most patients report aches all over, feeling deep, sharp, dull, throbbing, and aching pain in their muscles, tendons, and joints traveling throughout their body. It also causes cognitive difficulties, better known as “fibro fog,” and other symptoms, i.e., depression, headaches, TMJ, chronic fatigue, and IBS or other digestive issue, etc.

As shown here, pain should be reproducible in 11 of 18 tender points upon digital palpation.

• Front lower sides of the neck
• Upper chest
• Digestive symptoms
• Inner elbows
• Just below inner knees
• Back of the head
• Top of the shoulders
• Upper back (at the shoulder blades)
• Upper buttocks
• Hips


According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), research has shown that patients with fibromyalgia have reduced blood flow to the part of the brain that manages pain. Studies have shown that non-pharmaceutical treatments are highly effective and often recommend various therapies to manage multiple symptoms. These therapies include physical therapy to improve balance and muscle strength, Electrical cell–Signaling Treatments (EcST) to help reduce pain, increase circulation, and enhance muscle re-education, occupational therapy to help boost daily activities, and counseling to assist with depression and mood changes.

RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® Electric cell-signaling Technology (EcST) delivers complex electrical cell-signaling energy waves produced by an ultra-high digital frequency generator (UHgfG). These therapeutic energy waves pulse over varying times and frequencies to target the most tender point of pain in the joints, upper and lower back, front of the neck, head, and other body areas. The neoGEN® is a safe, effective, non-invasive, and non-pharmaceutical device to include in a patient’s treatment protocols to manage pain, relax muscle spasms, improve muscle rehabilitation, increase circulation, and help stimulate recovery.

To learn more about the advanced Electric cell-signaling Technology (EcST) neoGEN® device, visit or There is HOPE for a better quality of life.