Weight loss is tricky. That’s why City Health Services is proud to introduce a revolutionary weight loss program that could promise permanent results for patients.
There are so many reasons people put the weight on in the first place. We must understand why the person initially gained weight to understand how to get it off.
We always start with hormones because there is no reason to go any further if they’re off. There is rarely a way to achieve success by addressing calories and working out when the underlying hormones are the problem. Once we address the hormonal issues, if necessary, we can move on.
We also assess a person’s metabolism and body composition to ensure we have a great starting point from which to measure progress.
Now, we are ready. We have many options and programs to get a person the help they deserve. Our Semaglutide weight loss program is getting incredible results, as do the rest of our programs, including our HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) Program and Neurothapy Treatments.
Real Results!

Know the Facts
Obesity-Related Disease
Our Plans
$ 1,399
Total- 12-Week Supply of Semaglutide Injections ($3,600 Retail)
- 10-Week Supply of Lipo B-12 Injections
- 1 Full Semaglutide Consultation with a Wellness Coordinator
- 1 Full Consultation with a Medical HRT Provider
- Email, Text & Phone Support
- Before & After Photo Documentation
GoldMost Popular
$ 1,799
Total- 16-Week Supply of Semaglutide Injections ($4,800 Retail)
- 10-Week Supply of Lipo B-12 Injections
- 1 Full Semaglutide Consultation with a Wellness Coordinator
- 1 Full Consultation with a Medical HRT Provider
- Email, Text & Phone Support
- Before & After Photo Documentation
5 Additional Things To Know
Plan Discounts
The plan itself already saves patients thousands of dollars. Most Medical Weight Loss program customers are also signed up for our Hormone Replacement Therapy program. These programs have tremendous synergy and complement each other very well. If you are signed up for both, you will receive additional savings.
Not ready yet? or you would rather talk to someone first?
It’s ok; simply request a call by clicking the button. Tell us if you are wanting more information or if you are looking for a payment plan so you can get started faster.